Audio production
Audio Production Starts at $50/episode which includes; one hour of editing, addition of any music or sound effects, and upload of episode to host site.
Additional Editing available at $15/hour.
Sound effects available from Zapsplat!
Music can be provided from free Public Domain sources. Any non-public domain must follow fair use rules for inclusion in any audio project.
audio Training
Free training course in audio production using Audacity, the free user-friendly software.
You can attend one 45 minute webinar or sign up for our full work study program.
Work Study Program: Two hours a week for six weeks:
Hands on training from an industry professional
Real audio files from the aois21 podcast network (network shows only, outside client work is only done by trained aois21 staff)
Build a resume while learning the process
after completion: join us as a production assistant as work is available or go off on your own with our letter of reference and a portfolio of completed projects