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Series coming and going on the aois21 podcast network.

aois21's audio offerings continue to grow in the new year. Many existing series are continuing, thanks to the strong work of aois21's Creatives and the generous support of our Patreon patrons. For those that haven't been keeping up, we wanted to make sure you were aware of some of the changes in our podcasting lineup.
First up, thanks to a profound run of inspiration, aois21 Creative Evan Tucker has been updating his history podcast, It's Not Even Past, weekly since the end of December. With each episode dropping on Thursdays, Evan has taken a unique look at the news, pop culture, and society through a historical view. Episodes are about 30 minutes long and have been growing in popularity each week.
In the meantime, his first podcast, Tales from the Old New Land is taking a break, while his educational series, History of the Symphony, has been building numbers with each monthly release. His planned second educational podcast, Modern Jewish Literature, was unfortunately cancelled due to poor attendance at the lectures. We are fortunate to work with Evan as he continues to create high quality content week in and week out.
Absent from our podcasting lineup for the past few months has been the sexuality podcast Sexed Vexed Perplexed, hosted by aois21 Creative Aylin Vega. After a twice-weekly release and weekly rerun on WDLS Internet Radio, Aylin decided to take the summer off and extended her sabbatical through the end of the year. We are happy to announce she will be returning to the airwaves, but in a new series with details to be announced. For fans of SVP, past episodes aren't going away, and be on the lookout for a special episode with Aylin announcing her new series, launching later this year.
Also launching soon will be a new podcast series hosted by aois21 Creative Deepan Chatterjee, Ph.D along with his wife, Shreyasi Deb, Ph.D. The series will focus on politics in the Maryland suburbs of DC with more details to be announced in the coming weeks. We are now busy contacting stakeholders in the local political scene for possible interviews and background information. Please contact us if you have any input or want to help out.
We are also happy to announce the hiring of Gareth Phillips of Appomattox as an audio consultant providing audio engineering support to aois21 audio, assisting Zach C. Cohen, chief of audio production. Welcome to aois21, Gareth!
We're giving you a lot to listen to, and we hope you enjoy it! Be sure to visit and check out all of the great audio content we now have available!